Stop searching the internet for your sales commission questions.

Get access to hard to find (and useful!) sales compensation resources and join a professional community of like-minded professionals managing sales compensation programs, in the Sales Comp Network ("SCN"). 

Our sales compensation community has monthly live discussions that solely focus on sales incentive topics!

You can also stay connected with peers through our app!  The only sales comp community with an app just for our network :)


Why Sales Comp Academy?

Sales Comp Academy is an educational institution (we are not an ICM provider).  This company was created because of the lack of centralized resources online for sales compensation professionals and businesses.  Our goal is to enable business professionals to create, manage and optimize their sales compensation programs - through the power of tools, resources, and education.

Why Join This Community?

There is power in unity and collaboration, solving comp problems is easier in community.  Our foundation is based on best practices, but creativity is essential in growth.  Growth only happens when we brainstorm together.  Lets drive sales incentive excellence and transform businesses! 

In the SCN community, you will...


Discuss actionable solutions for sales comp challenges or commission questions.



Develop confidence and achieve your business goals.



Leverage the resources, tools & discussions to advance your skills and drive results.


You're not in this alone. Join today and cancel any time. No cancellation fees & No questions asked. 


Who will benefit from this membership?



Sales Comp Practitioners or Sales Comp Professionals who...
  • Participate, or lead, the administration of sales incentive plans and want to excel further in their career
  • Are managing sales comp programs but want sales comp tools & resources
  • Want to discuss sales comp challenges, sales comp trends or have commission questions
  • Follow best practices, but explore new solutions with creativity - not typically found in sales compensation